Kid Roc: 3 courses for 4 categories
On Saturday May 3rd , the kids ride their races of the Roc d’ Ardenne starting from 17h on a local circuit on top of the Sertomont Hill.
On Saturday May 3rd , the kids ride their races of the Roc d’ Ardenne starting from 17h on a local circuit on top of the Sertomont Hill.
End of registration is really close! Indeed, registrations were supposed to close down on 18 April
In 2014 the Roc d’Ardenne will be organized for the first time. It is going to be one of the largest MTB festivals in Belgium.
Last October, the 30th edition of the Roc’Azur was organized. Next year in May this fantastic MTB-festival will be coming to Belgium. To give you an impression of a Roc, we show you the moodfilm of the Roc d’Azur 2013.